Sunday, October 16, 2005


A lot has gone on over the past few days as I work like mad to put things in line for odell's arrival in less than 48 hours, so here is a summary..

Bonolabs is sending me a second copy of my test transfer to view, in case there was an unspecified problem with the first one.
They are also shipping back my test negative. Once I get everything back, I will be offloading and viewing the new file. Then I will be shipping a copy of the file and the negative back up to San Francisco to a place called SpyPost. SpyPost purchased the telecine suite (that I had worked on previously) from Retina. SpyPost is going to do side-by-side comparisons of Bono's footage and my negative coming through their system, as I will as well.
I'm also having some of my older Semester at Sea footage, originally telecined to HDcam, digitized at VideoArts in San Francisco and shipped down. This will give me yet another reference point for what I should be seeing.

Speaking of seeing, I'm in the middle of replacing the visual guts of my G5, after having upgraded the i/o to the RAID.
I've ordered a Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB VRAM graphics card for the display, which should have a better time displaying the enourmous amount of HD data that will be traveling through it.
I've also installed a Blackmagic Decklink HD Pro Dual-link 4:4:4 card to deal with processing and video bandwidth. Eventually this card will also drive monitoring in Final Cut, but I still need to work that out.
Once we are done cutting Zambian Forge, I'm going to start renting out my editing suite. I've more or less spent the money I had budgeted to do an online at a post house upgrading my own hardware, so maybe I'll become a post house. I'm starting to feel like one.



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